Workshop : Gaia Sensitive Living
The world view which Gaia Science gives us is nothing short of revolutionary. When it comes to the relationship between humanity and the rest of the planetary system, James Lovelock is in no doubt:
'In Gaia we are just another species
neither the owners nor the stewards of this planet.
Our future depends much more upon a right relationship with Gaia
than with the never-ending drama of human interest.'
The Gaia Sensitive Living Workshop will explore, in an entertaining and engaging way, what a 'right relationship with Gaia' might be, and will focus particularly on the economic systems which control human activity. As Lenton and Watson observe in 'Revolutions That Made The Earth':
'...our current economic valuation system doesn't make Earth system sense...' (p409)
In this context, the workshop will address such questions as:
- can we create a Gaia inspired economic system which does make Earth system sense?
- does the current wealth creation system contain re-cycling loops which need to be closed?
- how important are initiatives such as permaculture, the transition movement,
circular economy and lets schemes?