"...four hundred years of human history sounds like a long time, so how does three thousand six hundred million years sound?..."

The Cosmic Calendar from the performance of  'Gaia - the Cabaret!' for Bridport Transition Town Group, 24th October 2012

Bridport Town Hall, Bridport, Dorset, UK 


Filmed by John Feldman who is making a documentary on the life and work of Lynn Margulis :http://hummingbirdfilms.com/margulis-revolution/

A feature-length documentary by John Feldman, part of the Global Film Network (a...See more


"In Gaia we are just another species,
neither the owners nor the stewards of

this planet.

Our future depends much more upon a
right relationship with Gaia than with the
never ending drama of human interest."

James Lovelock

'The Ages of Gaia'